Friday, November 25, 2016

Final Post: Reflection

Hi everyone! This will be my final blog post for BU-215 Marketing. I will use this post as a reflection on the lessons I learned in this course, and connect what I learned to the course outcomes and objectives.

1) To set personal and professional goals and positively contribute in an engaged class.

I set both personal and professional goals for this marketing course. As for personal goals, I hoped to become more aware of business and marketing news. The marketing news presentations and discussions were very interesting and informative for me. These presentations and discussions made me more aware of the events happening in the business world. I achieved this personal goal by reading news on Business Insider and the New York Times that informed of the issues or developments that businesses were making every day. As I continued to find marketing news, I would share the news and actively contribute to the class discussions. One piece of marketing news I found interesting was the opening of a Chipotle like fast-food place called Blaze Pizza, but instead of making your own burrito, you make your own pizza. I have a feeling that this could be a very successful chain since millennials like efficiency and cheap food, and pizza is always a popular food product.

As for professional goals, my Marketing for a Cause team had the goal of hosting a successful dodgeball tournament to raise money for our non-profit organization. The event was very successful, and $218 was raised for our non-profit, VABIR. The success of this event was achieved by having enthusiastic participants and team that worked well together to plan, organize, and carry out the event.

2) To have the opportunity to put marketing into action via team and individual projects, research, reports and presentations

   I was in charge of the advertising campaign for the Marketing for a Cause project. The advertising campaign included a poster that was hung over campus, a Facebook event, three postings in the Daily Digest, a posting in the SMC Events Calendar, and tabling in Alliot. All five of these elements successfully promoted the Dodgeball Tournament that my group was hosting, and allowed me to gain marketing experience by working individually for the advertising campaign, but using this campaign as part of the Marketing for a Cause group project. I had to do marketing research to find out what forms of advertising would be most effective to the target audience, and I determined that a poster and Facebook event would be most effective since millennials are active social media users, and prefer posters that are simple and to the point. I wrote about the advertising campaign in the Final Report for Marketing for a Cause, and was able to explain what I did and how it was effective, and will present the advertising campaign in the Marketing for a Cause final presentation.

dodgeball poster make pdf.jpg FullSizeRender-4.jpg FullSizeRender-2.jpg

  3) To explore ethical issues confronting marketing managers
   In Chapter 11 (Pricing Products and Services), I learned about the legal and ethical considerations that marketing managers face when pricing a product. These considerations include: price fixing, price discrimination, deceptive pricing, and predatory pricing. Since today is Black Friday, I find it very relevant to discuss the Bait and Switch technique used under deceptive pricing. Bait and Switch is when a firm offers a low price on a product (the bait) to attract customers to a store. Once in the store, the consumer is persuaded to purchase a higher priced item (switch) using tricks as degrading promoted item and not having enough of the promised item in stock. On Black Friday, stores advertise as having the lowest prices of the year, and therefore attract many consumers to the store. However, sometimes consumers are persuaded by sales people to purchase a higher produced item or the item they were searching for is out of stock, so they must purchase the higher product product. These ethical issues are very controversial in the business world, and I learned that if a company is unethical, customers will turn away from purchasing products or services from that company.

4) To examine and convey basic and emerging marketing concepts and terminologies

This class included two ad presentation from the 1950s-1960s. The presentations included the discussion of the four p's in the advertisement (product, place, price, promotion), the target market, how the ad differs from today's ads, and a specific marketing concept from the ad. The presentations allowed me to examine the ad to find and explain the marketing concepts and terms within the ad, and also allowed me to practice my oral presentation skills and convey the marketing terms to the class. 

Ads I presented in class from the 1950s and 1960s.

5) Use written and oral skills to persuade a target audience

The Ted Talk assignment allowed me to use my oral skills to persuade a target audience. I presented a Ted Talk entitled "What's next in service for the hostility industry, a culture of care." I presented this Ted Talk and used marketing terminology to explain to the class how important fostering a culture of care within a business results in happier, friendlier, and more efficient employees, and therefore a more successful business. A great example is a restaurant; If a manager cares for their employees, then the employees will show care and friendliness towards your customers at the restaurant, and therefore the customers will be pleased since although the product (the food) might be good, customers care more about the service they received.
As for written skills, this blog also allowed me to convey marketing concepts and terminologies and use them to persuade a target audience (the readers of my blog). This blog made me more aware of marketing news, as well as helped me to explain the marketing concepts I learned about in marketing news, and explain and develop my own ideas based on the articles I read. I was able to transfer what I learned in class into action on this blog, and give my opinion on a piece of marketing news in hopes of influencing my target audience.

6) Participate and communicate as an effective member of a team

The Marketing for a Cause project allowed me to participate and communicate as an effective member of a team over the course of the semester. The Marketing for a Cause assignment involved working with a group of seven other people. With a large group, it was difficult to find a common time to meet to work on the event. However, my group was able to meet almost every Monday night to plan the event and work on the final report. It was important in this project to participate and communicate to be an effective team member. The team meetings went well, because I was able to lead a discussion with the  updates of the advertising campaign, as well as participate in the other discussions held by other members of the team. This project showed how important it is to be an effective team member, and that being on top of organization and time management is very important. If I was not an active member of the team and didn't put effort in, then the event would not have been a success. It takes all eight members putting all their effort into a project in order to make it a success. 
Six members of the Marketing for a Cause team
The course objectives and learning outcomes were met through the chapter readings, blog posts, class discussions, oral presentations (marketing news, Ted Talks, ad  presentations), and group projects (Financial Analysis Report and Marketing for a Cause). I was able to achieve nearly every course objective and learning outcome by being an active participant in class and putting the highest amount of effort into every assignment throughout the course.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Apple's MacBook Pro Release

Apple has had a difficult year. With the iPhone 7 sales not being as high as they were expected to be, Apple reported their third consecutive quarterly decline. This was Apple's first annual revenue drop since 2001. The iPhone 7 sales were not as high as anticipated, and have been a lot slower than the iPhone 6 sales. 

This chart above shows the decrease in Apple's sales over the most recent quarters.
However, five days ago, the new MacBook Pro was released. This new release might just be what Apple needs to bring their sales up. Apple is expected that their new releases always have new features and be different from the rest of the market. This is due to Apple's brand image held by their consumers that expect new and innovative  additions will be incorporated into their products. The iPhone 7 did not include remarkable new features, and therefore the sales were not as high as anticipated. However, with the new MacBook Pro release, Apple and their stockholders are hoping that the Macbook Pro's sales are successful and can help Apple boost their total revenue.
This video gives a summary of the price and new features in the new MacBook Pro.

The new MacBook Pro includes new features and a new design that is impressive in the computer market. The new MacBook Pro features "the brightest, most colorful" display, as well as a TouchBar. This TouchBar feature is new to Apple's products, and this is a strip of glass built into the laptop that allows for easy access to different tools and functions on the Mac. 

There has been controversy over this new TouchBar, because although the idea of the TouchBar is new and exciting, Apple did not go all the way and create a touchscreen on the MacBook Pro, like some laptops have. Customers were hoping that Apple would add a touchscreen as well as the TouchBar to the new Mac. 

The main factor circling around whether or not this new product will be successful is the price. The price is the reason why the current sales from the MacBook Pro are muted. The 13-inch MacBook Pro with 256GB of storage is listed for $1,799.00, and the 13-inch MacBook with 512GB of storage is listed for $1,999.00. Apple has used odd-even pricing as a strategy that will hopefully appeal to and work for their customers. Odd-even pricing is helpful, especially when the list price is very high. Apple may also be using the skimming strategy where a company uses a high initial price to help the company recover the cost of development, and also capitalize on the price insensitive of early buyers. 

Whether or not those pricing strategies will be effective towards sales is up in the air. On one hand, Apple has many loyal customers and has developed brand loyalty where their customers are committed to their brand and will make repeat purchases in the company's item over time. Apple has also developed brand equity that gives added value to Apple as a brand beyond the functional benefits provided in the product. This provides a competitive and financial advantage, that consumers are willing to pay a higher price for. 

On the other hand, the price is very high, and according to a survey taken by 19,346 people, the top two answers that total to 55.43% of the voters say that they are not buying the new MacBook Pro because of the price; 28.35% says they are going to wait for the prices to fall in a year or two, and 27.08% says that they are going to stick with the older models. 

I can see this new MacBook Pro being successful among millennials, where new technology is always exciting and intriguing to them. Millennials are either in college, just out of college, or working their way into their career. Laptops are necessary for this target market, and Apple will most likely have a success appealing to millennials if they market the product well, have great reviews, and possibly lower the price to be more appealing towards consumers. 


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 Trouble

Earlier this year, Samsung had the highest market share in the smartphone market, with a market share of 28.8%, followed by Apple with 23.2%. Samsung's Galaxy phone had a 30% raise in sales from 2015 to 2016. Samsung was doing very well as a company, and worked hard to compete against Apple. 

However over the past few weeks, Samsung has faced a major loss within the company. Samsung's biggest competition is Apple, and with the plans Apple had to release their iPhone 7 in September, Samsung worked as fast as possible to have their new Galaxy Note 7 out on the market before the iPhone 7 release. 

According to marketing analyst Tim Bajarin, "Samsung did not do the type of quality assurance and testing to make sure the Galaxy Note 7 was designed properly and totally safe." Samsung rushed their release of the new Galaxy Note 7 in hopes of stealing Apple's costumers, but things went awry. 

The first reports came out in the middle of September saying that the new phone's battery caused the phone to burst into flames. This wasn't just the case with one phone, but it was the case with many. As a result, Samsung created an "exchange program" where those who had purchased a Galaxy Note 7 were able to go into stores and exchange their phones for a replacement device, which many had believed to be safe.

Many people had attempted to trade in their phones in hopes that the replacement phones would work better and because Samsung had great customer loyalty. Samsung was known for a high customer satisfaction rate as well as positive customer experiences, so by offering the "exchange programs" they thought customers would be happy and that they would forget about their old phones bursting into flames.

An issue arose when these replacement phones ended up having the same issues, and also caught on fire. It wasn't until about a week ago when Samsung finally made the announcement that they would discontinue the Galaxy Note 7. 

The Galaxy Note 7 was a major failure for Samsung, and ended up hurting them as a company. Galaxy Note 7s were not allowed on airplanes unless they were fully powered off, and there were often reports of the replacement phones catching on fire.

Samsung had to refer their Galaxy Note 7 consumers to other Samsung products, or to Apple products. By referring customers to Apple products and previous loyal Samsung consumers, Samsung has a $2.3 billion lower profit than anticipated, which will hurt their company tremendously. Their brand loyalty will be hurt as a result of the first Galaxy Note 7 and the replacement phones catching on fire. When consumers are in the market for a new smartphone, they may not consider Samsung in their consideration set because of the bad publicity Samsung has received over the past month. 

If Samsung had handled this situation better and the replacement phones didn't catch on fire, then I believe that Samsung would still have a relatively high market share and good brand loyalty. However, now that the news has gone viral about Samsung phones overheating and catching on fire, consumers will be a lot more hesitant before purchasing a Samsung phone, even if that consumer has been a Samsung customer for many years. Although there is still an opportunity for Samsung to recover, they will have to do it properly and make sure that they reaffirm the company's good intentions and great customer experience.


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Target's Attempt to Raise Sales

Target, Amazon, and Walmart are part of an oligopoly. An oligopoly is when few companies control the majority of industry sales. Walmart, Target, and Amazon are part of and control the retail industry. They all offer similar products within a wide variety of departments including clothes, electronics, furniture, outdoor gear, and now most importantly, grocery. Customers in the retail industry have many options for where to shop, so department stores are in constant competition to attract the highest amount of customers in order for them to increase their profit.

The past few months have been difficult for Target. Target used to be one of the most successful department stores in the United States, but recently, Target has taken a loss, and is struggling to compete with similar businesses such as Walmart and Amazon.
Target has lost customers to Amazon and Walmart, who offer lower prices for similar products. Walmart’s value strategy is focussed on the best price, hence the corporate motto “Save money, live better”. Amazon Prime focusses on low prices, free shipping, and convenience. Target, however, focusses on best product: “Expect More. Pay Less.” As mentioned previously, grocery is now one of the most important departments for a department store. Target is in close competition with Amazon and Walmart for low prices, and is also in a competition with Walmart, Aldi, and Trader Joe’s for grocery items.

Target’s same store transactions that measures store traffic fell 2.2% in the second quarter of this year. The overall sales fell by 7.2% to $16.2 billion (Business Insider). Target is trying to find new ways to improve their grocery department. Walmart offers low prices, and recently developed an online grocery pickup, so that customers can order their groceries online and pick them up in store. Aldi is known for low prices for non-brand items. They offer great quality for low prices. Trader Joe’s is unique compared to other grocery stores, in the sense that the employees are very accommodating and go out of their way to help the customer. Instead of pointing to or telling you what aisle the bread is located, the employee will walk you to that aisle and are always willing to help. Trader Joe’s has high quality foods along with exceptional and accommodating customer service.
Target is making a major change to their stores, that might help customers go from only picking up a few grocery items at Target, to doing all of their shopping there. Target announced in early September that they will soon hire teams of employees to be trained specifically within the grocery department. These teams will consist of approximately 10-60 employees who will handle inventory and work to interact with the grocery shoppers. According to the New York Times, teams like these are already in place in 450 Target stores, and 150 teams are expected to appear in stores in October.  

Target CEO Brian Cornell is creating a new design for the grocery department, so that the food area feels separate from the rest of the store, giving customers the well defined grocery shopping experience they are looking for. They are also planning to offer free samples throughout the grocery department in order to have more of a grocery store feel, and will offer more organic, natural, and gluten-free products. While Target is not planning to expand to be a full grocery store complete with a deli and sushi chefs, they are hoping that the updated and unique appearance will attract more shoppers. Their goal is to improve their performance.
Target's new concept to have more of a grocery store feel.

I personally think that the new design in the grocery section will benefit the company and raise sales. By the looks of the photo above that features the new design in LA, the grocery section looks like an actual full functioning grocery store. Brian Cornell said that the grocery section at the new concept stores are 2 to 3% higher than the regular Target locations. Target’s prices still remain high and they are in competition with Walmart for prices, but by creating teams of grocery workers and enhancing the design to be separate from the rest of the store, I think that Target will benefit from the new concept stores. As a customer, I look for great customer service in addition to great products. If Target continues their value strategy of best product and now offers an experienced team of workers to assist customers, then they will do very well from the improvements within the grocery department. Hopefully these improvements will lead to an increase in sales and store traffic, to help them remain in the department store oligarchy.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

EpiPen Controversy

Hi everyone, I’m Katie!

I’m a sophomore psychology major with a business minor at Saint Michael’s College. In my marketing class we talked about the four P’s of marketing: product, place, promotion, price. The price of a product can make or break a company. The price should be affordable to consumers, but not too low that the company doesn’t make a profit.
In recent news, there was a 400% price increase in the EpiPen. An EpiPen is an injectable medication containing epinephrine, a chemical that treats allergic reactions such as food, bug bites and stings, and other allergens. Mylan raised their price for a two-pack of EpiPens from $100 to $600. It is important to note that these EpiPens expire after one year and must be replaced, making it very costly for consumers to afford this life-saving drug.

Video explaining the EpiPen controversy 

Mylan CEO, Heather Bresch told the New York Times, “I am running a business. I am a for-profit business. I am not hiding from that.” What I found interesting was that Bresch’s salary rose from $2,453,456 to $18,931,068. Breach is right in the fact that she is running a business, but is it ethical to charge six times the original price for a life saving drug? Bresch remains unapologetic about the increase in price and claims that it was necessary for the company. Mylan was already a profitable business, but raising the EpiPen price by 400% made them even more profitable, but certainly less ethical. It doesn't look good when families are struggling to pay the new price of the EpiPen, while the CEO's salary was raised to $18,931,068.

Mylan CEO, Heather Bresch

Is it worth raising the price of a life-saving drug to $600 in order to make a company more profitable? I would say that it is not worth it. Sure, a company should be profitable, but when the price of a product is raised to such a high amount that makes it difficult for families to afford, then there is something wrong. I don’t agree with Mylan’s decision and I believe that is unethical for a company to price a life-saving drug so high that becomes unaffordable to families.

I’m not the only one disappointed with Mylan’s decision to raise the price of their EpiPen. A petition was created untitled “Stop the Epipen Price Gouging”. This petition has raised awareness of the EpiPen situation, and as a result, 143,244 letters and emails have been sent to Mylan. As a response to the large number of complaints about the price, Mylan announced a week after the $600 price announcement that they would create a generic EpiPen. The generic EpiPen will still contain epinephrine, but will not have the brand name, and will retail for $300 for a two-pack.

Complaints from consumers about the $600 EpiPen price

It was smart for Mylan to create their own generic version of the EpiPen before their competition could release a generic version. This means that Mylan will receive the profits from both the generic $300 EpiPen and the brand name $600 EpiPen. The four P’s of marketing are key to a product’s success. In terms of the EpiPen controversy, price is the most important, and when Mylan marketers and producers realized that their high prices were sparking controversy, they created the generic $300 two-pack to help relieve the controversy. I think that $300 is still on the high end for a two-pack of EpiPens, but I am happy that Mylan made the decision to create a generic brand that cut the price in half. Price is important to how successful a company is, and I believe that the price being cut in half from $600 to $300 for EpiPens will save Mylan from what would have been the beginning of a failure.
